It came to my attention a while back that the developer's resources for the Creatures games are scattered pretty widely across the web, which can make it difficult to find good information. After seeing many new developers come onto the forums asking the same question—where can I find some good tutorials—I made this page.

The resources section is meant to serve as an index of developer's tools, mostly for those who wish to create new objects or metarooms. It lists all the juicy pages that I have found useful, organized by category, and rated for difficulty level and readability. This page is also where I will post any tutorials that I write myself; these will be marked by a star. Star

Lists Tools Agents Metarooms Breeds Misc Help
Click on one of the tabs above to see resources in that category.
Creatures is © Gameware Development. Breeders Beware is a non-profit fansite run by Ghosthande and is not affiliated with Gameware, nor intended to infringe upon their copyright in any way.